Saturday 4 July 2015

Number of electric bikes is ricing in Sweden

Electric bicycles are increasing rapidly in number. Now Finn is approximately 100,000 e-bikes in Sweden. This year it is estimated that 20,000 e-bikes will be sold.

Article in Swedish from the paper Non-Stop from Mälarenergi.
Elcyklar ökar snabbt i antal. Nu finn det cirka 100 000 elcyklar i Sverige. I år räknar man med att 20 000 elcyklar säljs.
Elcyklar ökar snabbt i antal. Nu finn det cirka 100 000 elcyklar i Sverige. I år räknar man med att 20 000 elcyklar säljs.

Which contact for the electric car? Check this out.

Which contact for the electric car? Check this out.