Sunday 17 April 2022

New cluth on Tongsheng TSDZ2 electric motor?

 New cluth on Tongsheng electric motor?

I guess this means TSDZ2 motor will be improved?

According to Pedelec forum Tongsheng has announced that it will use a new clutch in the future:

New clutch system versus the old one
New clutch system versus the old one

The aim of the improvement is to improve the ability to ride a bike even without electricity.

The chainring is attached to the roller bearing on the left and the freewheel is located between the roller bearing and the large drive wheel. I am not aware of such a special camp and it looks like it was developed in-house.

This is how the older version is assembled.

The clutch is located via bottom bracket, on the torque sensor shaft.

Tongsheng would like to release this clutch only in the second half of 2022. So maybe they will release a updated version of the beloved TSDZ2 soon. Will be interesting to see.

Looks like the freewheel for the cranks remains and an additional one decouples the large drive gear. This means that the gearbox is no longer dragged along to the blue nylon gear wheel. This logically reduces the losses when driving without a motor. A few watts come together.
